Medical dictionary
Jean Ross
A great idea from one of our customers: Connecting to my patient portals pulled in a lot of medications and conditions that I did not know. I started adding my notes to help me answer - what is this and why? Something that would be helpful is if there was someway to have a medical dictionary or reference in the app, for instance, at CVS they have a view drug information link for each drug. Same idea could apply to conditions!
Jean Ross
Mike Young, thank you for this idea! I wanted to share that now when you click on a specific medication, condition, visit, allergy, procedure or vaccination, you will see a yellow action button called Describe.
When this is selected, it will act as a Medical Dictionary for you to learn more. Our team took a step even farther, and if you have linked additional information, it will personalize this explanation further. Please let us know what you think!
Mike Young
Jean Ross Ya'll hit this one out of the park! Thank you!
Jim McIntosh
under review