Forgot Password Email
Jamie K
This feels like an auto-generated response not one necessarily intended for the person creating the profile.
Thank you. This step helps us ensure that you own the email and the integrity of your user.
Your verification code is xxxxx
If you’ve received this email in error or you are having difficulty authenticating this email in the application, please contact us at
Jim McIntosh
Jamie K
Jim McIntosh
under review
Thank you for the feedback, Jamie. We obviously used the same email template to share the code proving that email owner is the one who requested to reset the password.
If you are suggesting that the email should state that this is is related to resetting a forgotten password, then I agree.
If you are saying that you expected to just get an email link to reset your password and not a code, I'll review with our engineering team.
This might be something we could improve all together.
Jamie K
Jim McIntosh: Sorry my note wasn't clear. The wording was weird. "Thank you. This step helps us ensure that you (THE 'YOU' MAKES SENSE) own the email and the integrity of your user (BUT WHO IS THE 'YOUR USER'.)
Jim McIntosh
Jamie K: I think I understand now. The "your user" doesn't specify enough. Does the following sentance explain things more clearly?
Thank you. This step helps us ensure that you own the email address and that someone else isn't trying to reset your password.